The Run Game and Play Action Passing Play Action in Theor

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The Run Game and Play Action Passing Play Action in Theor

Gửi bàigửi bởi panxing18 » Thứ 2 22/07/19 11:40

My Preferred Scheme for the 2018 Miami Dolphins:yScrew numbers and efficiency ratings for a moment Womens Daniel Kilgore Jersey , let’s contemplate what play action actually accomplishes: it causes the defense to pause. In a game of inches, hundredths of a second, and tight throwing windows, forcing the defense to take precious time diagnosing and reacting can make all the difference. There are only a handful of ways offenses are able to create the “freeze”. Read-option action or a fake jet sweep have the same principle as a traditional play action pass, although sometimes with different intent. The early 2000’s offense of the Indianapolis Colts with Peyton Manning, Edgerrin James, and Marvin Harrison is the perfect play action case study: to me, there’s no better prototype or apex of play action football. The Colts built their offense around the stretch run and play action pass. James’ high quality vision and zone running abilities allowed the Colts to use the stretch run as the staple of their running game. Due to the nature of stretch runs and the extra time it takes to actually hand the ball off, compounding the stretch run with play action allowed for “maximum freeze”. The Colts probably could’ve ran a more traditional offense and still put up monster yardage and points, but the way they incorporated stretch runs and play action into their repertoire - that was art, in my humble opinion.When I’m thinking about successful offensive football, I often resort to the concept of keeping defenses off-balance as the #1 component in successful play calling. “Keeping defenses off-balance” can mean different things depending on the opponent or situation, no doubt. In the long run, though, call me crazy, but plays that keep the defense wondering if it’s going to be a run or pass are some of the best plays you can draw up in keeping defenses off their equilibriumPlay Action with Statistical Context*Primary sources for statistics were taken from this PFF article in 2013 and this Football Outsiders article in 2016. Play Action Vs. Non-Play ActionMeasured StatWith Play Action PassWithout Play Action PassMeasured StatWith Play Action PassWithout Play Action PassThe table is based on 2 years of league-wide data Josh Sitton Jersey , with the stats being published in December of 2013. PFF follows up the table with some commentary:Now, you can’t just start throwing play action all willy nilly or it loses its luster - BUT - statistically speaking, play action passes are more successful than traditional passes per play. Like any grandiose paradigm, there is variance and local idiosyncrasies that paint a more detailed picture. Let’s look at the only picture most of us really care about: how does all this affect the Miami Dolphins in 2018?Play Action for the Miami Dolphins in 2018In 2015, the Miami Dolphins had the 14th highest play action usage (19%) while having the 8th best DVOA on play action (including passes and scrambles). We’re going back to 2013, but even in Ryan Tannehill’s 2nd professional season, he finished #7 in Play Action QB rating (118.4). Interesting data sub-set: Football Outsiders (hyperlink included above) have a column comparing the DVOA’s of play action vs. non-play action passes. Some teams were better (some much better) throwing play action passes vs. passes with no play action. The Dolphins were one of the “much better” teams, in that, their DVOA variance ranked 4th highest. Meaning, only 3 teams in 2015 had more increased success with play action principles compared to traditional passes than the Miami Dolphins: Miami ranked 8th in play action passing while ranking 26th in traditional passing.Moral of the story and acting theorem? Ryan Tannehill is a top 10, if not higher, play action passer.When you look at the composition of the team, we have the players to make this work. The 2 previous GIF’s are deep completions to Kenny Stills. Although we’ve seen light action to this point, the offensive line looks better on paper and should have better cohesion. A more intact offensive line allows longer plays to develop, like a play action pass. The running backs are quickly shaping to be one of the most stout position groups on the roster, headlined by Kenyan Drake. We have wide receivers that can make the secondary look silly with time to execute longer-developing routes. In my opinion , a balanced offense that leans ever so slightly towards the run while creating opportunities through play action passing is my hope in terms of how the Miami Dolphins approaching offensive game plans in 2018.What are your thoughts, fam? The Miami Dolphins‘ run defense is stuck in reverse, perhaps taking the season with it.Poor tackling, botched assignments and a manhandling up front doomed the Dolphins on Sunday, when the Detroit Lions ran for 248 yards to win 32-21.It was Detroit’s biggest total in 21 years, and the second bad game in a row for the Dolphins’ run defense. They allowed 164 yards rushing a week earlier but still somehow managed to beat the Chicago Bears in overtime.“We have a lot of work to do,” defensive end Cameron Wake said. “I’m not panicking yet.”More Miami Dolphins newsDolphins, veteran LB Mike Hull agree to terms on 1-year contractThe next stop: Ryan Fitzpatrick moves into starting QB role with Dolphins, for nowDolphins sign former Jaguars guard-center Chris ReedDolphins sign QB Ryan Fitzpatrick to two-year, $11 million dealEnd of the road: Dolphins trade QB Ryan Tannehill to Titans for picksLions rookie Kerryon Johnson rushed for 158 yards on 19 carries, including a 71-yard draw play where he was untouched until tackled. LeGarrette Blount added 50 yards on 10 carries, and both repeatedly broke tackles as the Lions averaged 7.1 per rush.“Johnson, LeGarrette, they’re big backs,” Miami defensive tackle Akeem Spence said. “With those guys, you have to tackle in committee. One guy can’t bring them down. You need two Womens Jason Sanders Jersey , three guys. That’s on the defense. We just have to be better.”With the loss, the Dolphins (4-3) fell out of first place in the AFC East. Linebacker Raekwon McMillan acknowledged they played on their heels.“We fell back on our attack-type mentality,” he said.That meant the front seven was dominated, with the line surge so tepid Miami had not one tackle for a loss.The issue extended beyond running plays. Matt Stafford had plenty of time to throw and went 18 for 22 for 217 yards and two scores, with just one sack.“We couldn’t stop them,” Miami coach Adam Gase said. “That’s just what it was. They were executing better than us, and we just didn’t do enough to affect the quarterback. It didn’t seem like he got out of rhythm.“That was really the No. 1 thing we were talking about all week. That guy, if you give him time and he doesn’t feel the pressure up front and we’re not tight enough in coverage, you’re going to have problems.”The Lions scored on seven of nine possessions. They punted once and ran out the clock once.And they sustained drives while converting only twice on third down. The Lions gobbled up yards in such large chunks they earned 21 first downs on first- and second-down plays.“I’m pretty sure there weren’t too many third-and-longs out there,” Wake said.Miami’s performance was reminiscent of a loss last November at Carolina, when the Panthers racked up 294 yards rushing. The Dolphins won only two more games the rest of the season.In this instance, solutions need to come quickly. The Dolphins play Thursday at the Houston Texans (4-3), who earned their fourth consecutive victory Sunday by winning at Jacksonville.“Usually I say you’ve got about 24 hours to pat yourself on the back or lick your wounds,” Wake said. “Now you’ve got about 30 minutes.”

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Ngày tham gia: Thứ 3 24/04/18 10:10
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Re: The Run Game and Play Action Passing Play Action in Theo

Gửi bàigửi bởi ngomonghung001 » Thứ 4 08/01/20 23:53

Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm giá bao nhiêu? - Nha khoa Quốc tế Sunshine

Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm được xem là một bước đột phá trong công nghệ thẩm mỹ răng toàn diện. Những tình trạng: răng lộn xộn, răng lệch lạc, răng hô, răng bị vàng,... Sau bọc sứ thẩm mỹ, hàm răng sẽ được cải thiện hoàn toàn về mặt thẩm mỹ mang lại hàm răng đều đặn tinh tế, trắng sáng tự nhiên, nụ cười cũng từ đó hài hoà và thu hút hơn.

Vậy bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm giá bao nhiêu? Ai nên bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm?

– Người có răng lệch lạc, răng lộn xộn
– Răng bị thưa toàn hàm
– Các răng có kích thước lớn nhỏ không đều
– Răng bị vàng, răng bị nhiễm màu do kháng sinh tetracyline ở mức độ nặng không thể tẩy trắng bằng các phương pháp thông thường
– Răng gãy, răng mẻ ở số lượng nhiều
– Ngoài ra, còn có trường hợp khách hàng không bị khiếm khuyết răng nào đáng kể nhưng vẫn lựa chọn bọc răng sứ thẩm mỹ nguyên hàm với mong muốn có được hàm răng trắng sáng và nụ cười tinh tế hài hoà hơn.

>> XEM THÊM: Bọc răng sứ giá bao nhiêu? Bảng giá bọc răng sứ MỚI NHẤT!

Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm giá bao nhiêu phụ thuộc vào 3 yếu tố:

– Số lượng răng cần bọc răng sứ thẩm mỹ
– Loại răng sứ thẩm mỹ khách hàng lựa chọn.
– Trình độ tay nghề của Bác sỹ Nha thẩm mỹ có giỏi hay không?
Vậy bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm thì cần bọc bao nhiêu răng?

Để đảm bảo được tính thẩm mỹ và chức năng ăn nhai tốt, một ca bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm thường được bác sĩ chỉ định bọc từ 12 – 18 răng tuỳ thuộc vào khuôn miệng cười của khách hàng vì những răng nằm bên trong không lộ ra ngoài nên bọc răng sứ là không cần thiết.

Nếu bạn có khuôn miệng nhỏ thì chắc chắn số lượng răng cần bọc sứ thẩm mỹ sẽ ít hơn.
Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm chọn loại răng sứ nào tốt mà vẫn tiết kiệm chi phí?

Hiện nay dòng răng sứ chất lượng tốt nhất thị trường là răng sứ Titan (răng sứ sườn kim loại), răng sứ Cercon (răng sứ toàn sứ), răng sứ Zirconia (răng sứ toàn sứ) của hãng Vita, Emax (Đức).

– Răng sứ sườn kim loại thì màu sắc không đẹp bằng răng toàn sứ, sau khoảng 10 năm sử dụng có thể dẫn đến bị tối màu ở viên chân răng.
– Răng toàn sứ thì màu sắc trắng sáng tự nhiên, bền lâu, không nhiễm màu, ánh trong tự nhiên.

Răng sứ sườn kim loại thì giá chỉ bằng ½ so với răng toàn sứ, và rất phù hợp để bọc răng hàm. Còn răng toàn sứ thì giá cao hơn nên phù hợp bọc răng cửa.

Do đó:
– Nếu Khách hàng có nhu cầu thẩm mỹ cao, điều kiện kinh tế tốt thì nên chọn bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm toàn bộ bằng răng toàn sứ Cercon, răng toàn sứ Zirconia với độ thẩm mỹ cao, màu sắc trắng sáng tự nhiên rất nổi bật, độ bền dài lâu.

– Nhưng giải pháp tiết kiệm nhưng vẫn hiệu quả là Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm theo phương thức: Với răng hàm thì bọc bằng răng sứ sườn kim loại và với răng cửa thì bọc bằng răng toàn sứ. Vừa đảm bảo tính thẩm mỹ cao, tiết kiệm chi phí, độ bền, sức ăn nhai khỏe, bền dài lâu.

Răng sứ Titan tuy không có độ trắng sáng tuyệt đối như răng sứ Cercon, răng sứ Zirconia nhưng vẫn đều đẹp trắng tự nhiên, đảm bảo hiệu quả thẩm mỹ cao.

Bọc răng sứ nguyên hàm nếu dùng sứ vật liệu sứ thẩm mỹ chất lượng cao (VITA – Đức) có giá giao động từ: 30 triệu – 80 triệu, tùy vào số lượng răng cấn bọc (12 – 18 răng) và tùy vào loại răng sứ lựa chọn (răng sứ sườn kim loại cao cấp Titan hay răng toàn sứ cao cấp Cercon, Zirconia).

“Loại răng sứ tốt nhất: là loại phù hợp nhất với tình trạng răng miệng và điều kiện kinh tế của khách hàng. Cho nên tùy vào nhu cầu và điều kiện của khách hàng mà tôi sẽ tư vấn cho họ loại răng sứ phù hợp.”
Nha khoa thẩm mỹ Sunshine

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Ngày tham gia: Thứ 7 22/06/19 16:33
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